Featured Ardent: Carlos Guimerà

Colorful, clean, beautiful digital art

Here at the Cosmere Herald, we are BIG FANS of all the ardents (content creators) from the vast Cosmere and beyond. As such, we look forward to sharing artists, video makers, cosplayers, and more who are sharing their wonderful Cosmere inspired creations!

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Today’s Featured Ardent is Carlos Guimerà! Carlos has been creating photo manipulations and vector art for at least 6 years (their oldest image on their Behance is from 2017). The clean, elegant vector lines in their pieces are STUNNING and crisp, really adding a new flavor to the Cosmere we have come to know and love so much.

Check out this amazing piece Carlos did for Warbreaker! It’s a really unique way of showing how important color is to this Nalthian world. And it absolutely reminds us of those scratch art pads, where you remove the black for the rainbow colors underneath. We even inverted the image for a white background and it looks really cool that way too!

Here is another piece they did, this one inspired by Kharbranth, City of Bells! We just adore how soft this whole image is, really setting a peaceful theme of the city before certain events happened there. The retro color theme goes so well for a water-side city. Such a gorgeous sunset!

The last piece we want to show off (though of course there are loads more on Carlos’s sites) is this boldly colored take on a silhouette of Mistborn. The city of Luthadel in the background, with the stars above the mists and ash, a Mistborn Vin in her full glory controlling the metals, and the delightful color choice make this whole piece a special art piece indeed!

Carlos has done other work as well, inspired from Lords of the Rings, Dune, Star Wars, and various fantasy and science-fiction. Please be sure to check out their ArtStation, with a full list of their other locations on their LinkTree.

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