Weekly Update - August 15, 2023

DS Con 23, Ticket Winners, Sel Box Available Now

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BOOK PROGRESS: Stormlight 5 at 66%. Skyward Legacy at 34%.

OTHER NEWS: Tickets for Dragonsteel Con 23 are selling fast. Some hotels are already sold out, one has included new rooms. Find more info at the site. Legally Distinct Metallic Tickets winners have been picked and notified. Intentionally Blank brackets has been updated.

KICKSTARTER NEWS: Cosmere Box all shipped out in 10 days. All but one item has arrived for Warbreaker Box. Sel Box now available for purchase. SP4 expected to arrive and ship out on time like SP3. Recording for SP3 Book Club is happening, includes a fan from outside the USA.


Who is attending Dragonsteel Con 23? Please let us know in the comments!

Carly's Thoughts: Dragon Woodshop will be at DS Con 23 this year! I’m very excited to meet so many of you. I’ll have displays for purchase, new items, as well as a Con Exclusive storage service called Dragon Dropoff.


[The video can be found at the end of this transcript!]

Hey, Brandon here with your weekly update. Sorry for not being here last week, I was actually at a writing retreat. Got some good work done! In fact, let’s talk about Stormlight 5. We are at 66%. This puts us at 2/3. I am feeling really good about it. Technically 317 words behind for finishing at my target. But that’s manageable amount being. I will have to stop and do revisions in about a week because I need to get more materials for the beta readers that’s revised. So that’ll put be behind another 7000 to 8000 words but I caught up from last time. Theoretically we’ll be able to catch up again. Expect in a couple weeks we’ll have another week with no progress.

Skyward Legacy continues to be at 34%. The book that Janci is working on.

Let’s talk about some things with the Kickstarter. The Cosmere Box is finished! We have sent it all out. The team did that in 10 days. Really impressed with that! They sent word that they are beginning work on packaging the Warbreaker Box. They still have one item that needs to arrive. We still have a little… It’s been shipped… It just hasn’t arrived yet at my recording this. Hopefully it will be here by the time you all see this and then that one will get packing. That will start going out in September. Theoretically.

Really good news for those who are wondering about the Secret Project books. SP4 while w were in Tampa, we got the first truckload. Like SP3, it looks like the distribution channel shave finally cleared up a little bit and we’re starting to actually get the books on time when we were told we were going to get them. In fact another truck is on the way. Everything is look good for that one going out on time like what happened with SP3. Very excited about that!

We do have the Sel Box up for sale now. These are the extras, we ordered extras in case we needed to send replacements to people or things like that. Now that we have gone long enough that we know about how many replacements we needed to send, we have our overage. We are selling that right now. Get yours before they are gone!

Let’s talk about our convention, Dragonsteel 2023! Still have tickets remaining, but we are getting close to our limit. In fact, the hotels are almost sold out, one of them is sold out, they added more rooms though. They did add some more rooms. We’re getting really close to where we were last year when we had to stop selling tickets. We’ll probably still have tickets up until the day of but who knows.

We wanted to give a shoutout to those who have won the Legally Distinct Metallic Tickets. If you’ve been following along with this, these are people who get to go to the front of the singing line and get personalized book from me. They should all have already gotten a little video from me congratulating them and welcoming them. I’m going to announce them for you here but I’m going to leave off the last names for privacy reasons. if you hear your name and your state, but you didn’t get a video, it means that unfortunately there was a different person with your name from the same state. These went to: Elijah from California, Leah from Virginia, Leo from Utah, Samantha from Utah, and Richard from Oregon. We will look forward to seeing you at the front of the line come Dragonsteel. They said if we waited to record this they could find me a prop of a Legally Distinct Metallic Tickets but I told them you could all imagine them, you are readers after all, so imagining things is something you’re quite good at.

If you’re wondering why I am recording in the lair, we’ve actually been working on the book club for Yumi and the Nightmare Painter. This one, very special, is hosted by my wife Emily. That’ll be coming out in a couple weeks. Couple weeks, you’ll eb able to watch the bookclub like we’ve been doing for all of these. Like I said, a little extra special, we even have a visitor from another country who is here to participate in this one. Be looking for that.

We also wanted to give a shoutout to the charity drive we did with the numbered copies of SP2 and SP3. Thank you all for your generosity! I don’t actually know the final numbers because it is still going as I’m recording this, but they are already very high. Thank you! Again we will use this for charity. Probably going to go to a children’s hospital but there are other charity work we do. I will come back to this when I know exactly what we will be spending this money on. We will do this as part of an update or a separate video so that we are accountable to you for the money you are giving us. And thank you for all who signed up for the mailing list as part of this. Mailing list is the best way that we are able to keep track of people and let them know about thing. Really appreciate that. Promise not to spam you!

Last off here is our final round of the first tier… What do you call these things… Bracket. Right the first round of brackets, the last one from our podcast. In the Food Heist, it was 71% is the Snackaderms, one of my favorites. This food heist has indeed defeated House that is Not a Move Yet Food Heist at 29%. With the bad story ideas we have an upset. Planetary Shenanigans, this is the weird planet I came up with where people lived on a planet that is being rolled along by a giant, has defeated Abraham Lincoln’ Write Epic Fantasy Fanfic of Moby Dick. 52% to 48%, pretty close there. We have an upset! Will it go all the way? We have actually started voting, we’re a little behind order, because I think last week’s podcast started people voting on the second round of brackets even though this one hadn’t been quite announced yet. If you want to participate in this, you can listen to Intentionally Blank. We have time stamps foreach of these discussions of food heists and bad story ideas.

I’ll be back next week with another update for you. thank you as always.

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