Weekly Update - August 29, 2023

Defiant Bundles Next Week + Signed Books Changes

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BOOK PROGRESS: Stormlight 5 is at 71%, and Brandon is in the middle of a sequence so he is going to finish that before getting to revisions. Skyward Legacy is at 34%.

BOOK NEWS: Going forward, the book bundles from the Dragonsteel Store or the Dragonsteel Conventions are the only ways to get signed and numbered copies of books (presumably Kickstarters too for the leatherbound books). You can still bring Brandon a book you’ve bought somewhere else to get it signed.

Preordering Defiant from Barnes & Noble enters you into a sweepstakes. From the official rules: “By pre-ordering any edition of Brandon Sanderson’s Defiant book, you are automatically entered in the Defiant by Brandon Sanderson Sweepstakes (“Sweepstakes”) to win a tactician training prize pack including a signed copy of Defiant, a custom dice tray, Skyward and Defiant dice sets, Call to Adventure: Brandon Sanderson’s The Stormlight Archive (B&N Exclusive) strategy game, Pyramid Homeworlds Game, Pyramid Martian chess game, and a brown leather journal. The Sweepstakes ends on November 20, 2023.”

KICKSTARTER NEWS: Warbreaker labels are being printed and boxes are expected to start shipping out this week to arrive on time or even early. The 3rd SP4 truckload arrived.

OTHER NEWS: Intentionally Blank bracket winners are announced.


How do you feel about signed and numbered copies only being available in book bundles? Please let us know in the comments!


[The video can be found at the end of this transcript!]

Hey! Brandon here with your weekly update. Let’s start with the book updates. Stormlight 5 is at 71%. That’s right, 3% moved up this week. I’m getting to the end of a sequence and I have decided to put off doing revisions until I’ve finished it. So I’ll be maybe a little faster the next couple of weeks as I get that, and then we will have a dearth for a couple of weeks as I do revisions. Feeling really good about that. We’re approaching 75% which will feel very cool to have.

Skyward Legacy is still at 34%.

Let’s talk about a whole bunch of updates! I’ve got a bunch of stuff to talk to you about today. They are quite fun.

First off is the Warbreaker Box from our Kickstarter The Year of Sanderson! We will begin shipping this week. We’ve already nearly have it fully packed. We’re beginning to print the labels today and so you’ll start to see them popping up in your emails as we send those off. This box should go out on time, or even early, we’re very excited by that. Indeed we have still trucks coming in for Secret Project 4. We’re anticipating that one being on time too unless some major disruption happens where we suddenly stop getting trucks for those for some reason. But I believe our third truck just came which puts us in pretty good shape because we only need like 7 to 8 trucks to fulfill. Anyway, everything is looking really good for that.

A couple of things that you might be aware of, we have the pre-order for the Defiant bundle going live on our store 1 week from today. What are the bundles? Well I, for years, tried to get New York to pay attention to me because I thought when a video game comes out you get the nice cool bundle you can order that comes with the cool thing. I’ve got the one for the Witcher 3 that’s got like the statue and stuff like that. Like why not let us on books buy the cool things? This is something we’ve started doing, you’ve seen us doing it over the years. We’re selling Defiant ourselves for the Dragonsteel Store. We actually buy the books from a local bookstore and then we put them in with some goodies that we will be announcing pretty soon. It’s a very cool bundle. I pitched what we should get and I’m very pleased with how it’s looking. It’ll be your deluxe edition! The book is the same book but it does come signed and it comes with some pretty cool swag. If you’re into the Skyward books, you may be wanting to look into that next week.

We are moving to the only way that we’re going to be selling the book signed is with these bundles. That’s because we have just quickly become overloaded with these and we figure this the nice thing we can offer with the bundle. Going forward this is how we’re going to be doing signed books. You can also of course get them at the Convention. They will be signed at the Convention. They will be numbered at the Convention too! And the ones in the book bundle will also be numbered. If you’re not coming to the Convention, the book bundle is your way to get a signed and numbered edition and it will come with cool swag. At the Convention you will also be getting a signed and numbered edition as part of buying your way in. You can buy a ticket if you get your book somewhere else, but your book from somewhere else it won’t come signed and numbered but it might be cheaper because some places do sell the books at a steep discount. It’s really up to you how you want to go about doing that, but that’s how we’re going to be doing it.

Brace yourself for Stormlight 5. That’s how we will be doing Stormlight 5, if you want to get the signed and numbered edition, it’s part of the convention or part of the book bundle. Just because I can’t sign so many books. You guys want lots of signed books. And it’s kind of difficult to keep up with you all but we’re doing out best!

Check out our social media for highlights of our awesome exhibitors at Dragonsteel 2023. Last year we had 16 attending authors and this year we have over 50! It’s becoming quite the fun place to just come and see authors at their booths. This is something that I’ve always kind of wanted to do is to have a really nice author feature sort of expo. Imagine this as kind of like a Comic Con for authors. Come and see all the authors! Book con? No, something’s already called Book Con. That’s what we’re doing, keep an eye on our social media.

We have another little thing with Defiant with a pre-order sweepstakes! This is win a signed Defiant, a custom dice tray, and a copy of Call to Adventure: Stormlight Archive which is one of the board games that we’ve made. Very fun game that I like quite a bit. You can get that. This is probably, my guess, they haven’t written it down, but because it’s Barnes & Noble so it’s probably only USA because Barnes & Noble is a USA company.

Oh! This is fun! A lot of you have been asking about the narrator for Secret Project 4. The narrator is different from the previous 3. It’s not a celebrity, I did try, I posted on Reddit. I tried hard to get some celebrities to do these. but the Secret Projects, the timing was so tight to get them done, none of the celebrities that I talked to could do it, they were all really nice but just couldn’t quite make it work. It is a narrator we’ve used before, but it’s not Michael and Kate. We picked someone different for this one to have some variety. We’ll be announcing that on this week’s Kickstarter update which is coming out tomorrow or Thursday. If you’re curious about the narrator we’ll be announcing that.

Michael Whelan, the artist who does a LOT of cool art for us specifically for the Stormlight Archive, he’s the featured artist in an active Kickstarter campaign! Some of the art featured is from the Way of Kings, Shallan, Rhythm of War, link in the description. Michael is awesome, he’s just so wonderful and delightful to work with. Any time he mentions “hey I’ve got this thing coming up” we want to signal boost it because Michael is my favorite illustrator. I’ve loved his books, his illustrations on books, since I was a kid. I’m really thrilled whenever he’s doing anything that I can signal boost.

Last thing is our podcast Week 11 winners for our brackets. Are you ready for this? This is a double upset week. That’s right! On our Food Heist, the Nyoki Gnocchi Brothers Restaurant has been defeated by the Aiderstekugle [sorry I don’t know how this is spelled] which is quite surprising to me. I thought the Nyoki Brothers would make a nice t-shirt but you guys have chosen the Aiderstekugle which I can’t fault you on, that’s a pretty good story. That has won 53% to 47%, pretty close vote.

The Bad Story is also an upset, that means that the Great British Fake Off, my favorite to win, has been defeated by Weekend Invaders with an Actual Zombie. I have no idea how we would make a t-shirt of Weekend Invaders without it being an absolute copyright problem. I don’t know, I don’t know how it works, we will have to look into it. Anyway, 55% to 45%, you have chosen Weekend Invaders over the Great British Fake Off. Maybe you just think that one is the better Bad Idea. Maybe the Great British Fake Off is just too good an idea to make it.

We’ll be back next week with another weekly update. And I think we will have another of our results from… This is our final four. So we’re pushing toward the end of this bracket. I’ve had a lot of fun with this, thank you all who have been voting on that. See you next week with another weekly update!

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