Weekly Update - May 23, 2023

The Work Continues!

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BOOK PROGRESS: Stormlight 5 is at 48% and expected to hit 50% next week if Brandon can get to 225,000 words. Skyward Legacy is at 25%.

OTHER BOOK NEWS: Tor’s new repackage of Alloy of Law is up for pre-order. All of the Mistborn books, including The Lost Metal, will eventually be available in this new cover style.

KICKSTARTER NEWS: More books are shipping out for Secret Project 2! A partial truck arrived. DS expects the trucks to arrived as regularly scheduled. There is going to be a Book Club for Secret Project 2 on the YouTube channel and Joshua Bilmes (Brandon’s agent) might be part of it.


If you’ve received Secret Project 2, what are your thoughts on the quality of the book? Please let us know in the comments!

Carly's Thoughts: Putting aside just how fun reading this book was, I seriously love the quality of these Secret Projects as physical books. The faux leather is a stunning color. I really like the consistency of the spine design. Plus the foiling is really nice, and so clean. The printed images are beautiful tool; I love seeing the artist’s name on the cover, it’s such a cool thing to do because nobody does that.


[The video can be found at the end of this transcript!]

Brandon here with your weekly update! Stormlight 5 is 48% so we are moving right along. Next week we will probably cross that 50% mark. What this means is right now I’m at about 220,000 words, I’m gonna hit us at 50% when we hit 225,000. Now the book might be longer than 450,000, but I’m kinda hoping it will be 450,000. So we’ll see but that’s what I’m going to call 50% so hopefully we will hit that next week.

Skyward Legacy is at 25%. Both Janci and I are hitting milestones within these weeks! Tune in next week and we’ll see.

Tor’s new repackage of Alloy of Law is up for pre-order. This is with the new style covers. We will have all of the Mistborn books including The Lost Metal in this cover edition eventually before too much longer. These are all trade paperbacks, they look really slick. We have some links where you can get those and released on July 4th. That’s when the book will be in bookstores.

Kickstarter update! Some good news for you. We have another truck that has arrived. It wasn’t a full truck but last week you heard me really worried that we would get one truck and then they would dry up like what happened on Secret Project 1. That is not so far happening. Another truck is coming, we have actually scheduled for the other ones. We’re hoping that that schedule is going to work and keep. We’re still a little bit holding out breath but we’re maybe letting out maybe a little hiss of breath as a second truck has arrived and many people in last week’s update noted that they had gotten their shipping identifications. We’re going to be shipping out this truck very quickly. Hopefully the next ones will keep rolling in so that we can keep sending out Secret Project 2 to you all.

Final thing is that we are going to be doing a Book Club for Book 2, The Frugal Wizard’s Handbook to Surviving Middle England. Like we did with Book 1, we’re going to have a Book Club on this channel just for a read-along. If you want to join with that, it’s going to be published at the end of June. Theoretically by then most people have gotten their physical editions and you’ll all have had your audiobook and ebook so you can come along and participate in that. Read the comments, watch the thing, I think we’re going to have Joshua, my agent, as part of this one. He is a character and a delightful human being. Hopefully that will be a lot of fun! Come be prepared to go to the Frugal Wizard Book Club which we’ll do across a couple of weeks like we did the last one here on the channel on YouTube.

I’ll be back next week with more updates for you!

Frugal Wizard’s Handbook to Surviving Middle England PREMIUM HARDCOVER BUNDLE NOW AVAILABLE TO PRE-ORDER

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