How to Get Numbered Copies of Yumi & Frugal Wizard

Auction & Newsletter

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AUCTION BID FOR NUMBERED SECRET NOVELS: Visit the Gala Bid site to auction bid for #3/50 or #4/50 Yumi and the Nightmare Painter, and #5/50 or #6/50 Frugal Wizard’s Handbook to Surviving Middle England. As of writing this transcript, #3 is at $969, #4 is at $902, #5 is at $650, and #6 is at $650.

UPDATE: as of August 9th at 7:15 PM EST, the bidding has skyrocketed to $6000 on Yumi #3, $3600 on Yumi #4, $1251 on Fugal #5, and $1075 on Frugal #6.

SIGN UP FOR BRANDON’S NEWSLETTER: For a chance to win #6/50 Yumi or #9/50 Frugal Wizard. Here is THE LINK to sign up for the newsletter.


The video can be found at the end of this transcript!

From the very beginnings of my career, I have numbered the first batch of books that I signed from any given printing of book. Right at the very start it was quite fun, actually! The first 50 people who came to me, I numbered their copies. For Elantris, this happened to be Dan Wells, my good podcasting buddy and friend. He just showed up with the first copy of Elantris that anyone ever brought to me, and I numbered it! I numbered the first 50. As my fame expanded, we just started numbering ALL the first books at a launch party. This is what you see happen when you go to Dragonsteel, our convention, and you see me there, your book comes numbered.

There’s been a question about how do I get some numbered copies out there for the Secret Projects. It was actually pretty easy with secret project 1, with Tress, I was teaching my class at the time. The first 50 people who brought me copies I just numbered. But I’m not seeing people very much lately and I have most of the numbers of these (Yumi and Frugal) left. We thought we would find a way to get them into your hands.

The Collectors love the numbered editions! There will be 50 of each of these books. We’re going to give them out in various different ways. Starting today!

What can you do to get a numbered edition?

I’m sure the Collectors out there are perking up. We are going to auction off several of them for charity. We are going to have live, going probably right now, on an auction site numbers 3 and 4 of Yumi, and numbers 5 and 6 of the Frugal Wizard up for auction. At the same time, we understand that that might get a little too pricey for some of you so we are also going to do a push for our mailing list. We are going to draw a few random emails from our mailing list this week. The people who get drawn, we will just send numbered copies of these books. We’ll do a handful of them.

This is open internationally, so long as you live in a place where we can ship the books to. You want to be registered for my mailing list. You want to tell all of your friends who like my books and maybe want to get copies of this to register for my mailing list. We don’t spam people, we only send out a handful of emails a year just to let people know about new releases. You can sign up in the link in the description.

Sign up by MIDNIGHT Mountain Time this Friday (August 11). We will draw a random number of you and we will send you books with numbers in them! We’ll be reserving a bunch of the numbers for other things we are doing in the future as well.

Thank you very much!

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